as you can see i'm doing a bit of catch up on the blog. we also took an amazing road trip in march for rich's spring break. we had been talking about driving up the coast to san fran to visit my brother matthew for a few months but didn't do much planning besides saying we wanted to go. :) a week before our trip the weather was pretty bad along the coast so we were unsure if we would even make the trek. a few days before we decided to just go for it so we called matthew and luckily he was still happy to put us up and play tour guide for a few days. we headed out on our spring break/babymoon/ last minute adventure on monday morning and drove the 9 hours straight to san francisco. we stayed inland for the drive there and decided we would do the highway 1 drive on the way back. we weren't expecting much scenery on this first stretch but ended up driving through some beautiful country. here are some pics from day one of our adventure...

after seeing these gorgeous orchards we decided we're moving here and setting up a fruit stand on the side of the road.
okay, let's hope i'm on a roll with the blog and can get the rest of our trip up in the next few days. right now i'm going to bed.. this little guy in my belly makes me sleepy. :)
So fun!
fun trip!
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